"Mrs. Nelson's Classroom" in a creative font.


Row of old, classic books  

Welcome to Mrs. Nelson's classroom webpage!  The purpose of this website is to provide all the materials presented in class like classroom powerpoint presentations, videos, assignments and handouts.  If ever you lose an assignment or forget what is due and when it is due, I've also included an assignment log with due dates for all assignments. 


First Week of School Assignment:  

To prepare for the first week of school, look at the following two links:   

Bugs Bunny Cartoon:   http://youtu.be/Gc2L_7m_4mI

Jurassic Park Trailer:  http://youtu.be/Bim7RtKXv90

As you watch these three videos, think what they each have in common. List possible themes represented in the video.

As we read and study Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, think about the roles of the creator and the creation. Throughout this unit, we will ponder the theme of the creator's responsibility and duty to his creation.